2025 Student Pre-Conference

Student Pre-Conference

We are excited to announce that the 2025 Continuums of Service Conference will include a pre-conference student track option on March 26, 2025.

This event will bring students from various college campuses together to share their service experiences and exchange ideas. Through interactive sessions, participants will have the opportunity to present their work, connect with other students, and engage in meaningful discussions. This event aims to equip students with enhanced skills and insights related to their role as service leaders. Students can submit a proposal for the student track, the main conference or both.

Call for Proposals

Student are invited to review the full call for proposals for instructions on submission and details about the theme and subtopics.

Student Track Session Types & Details

Workshop – 50 minutes

  • Workshops provide a concentrated amount of time for presenters to dive deeply into content. Presenters should allocate a portion of the time towards the session and the remaining time towards discussion/Q&A. Formats for workshops can range from:

  • Skill-building sessions - instructional format in which presenters teach particular skills and techniques and discuss how those can be applied in participants' settings.

  • Creative arts sessions - feature an arts-based presentation (e.g. photo voice exhibit, theater, video, dance) followed by opportunities for questions, answers and group discussion.

  • Knowledge creation sessions – community-based research and scholarship of engagement presentations that cultivate the knowledge of participants from all perspectives in community engagement work.

  • Story sessions - reflect the genuine and authentic experiences of the presenters. They emphasize sharing valuable lessons through telling stories. We especially encourage stories of "what didn't work and why," lessons learned from mistakes and strategies for addressing the challenges discussed.

Community Conversation – 50 mins

This format offers an opportunity to explore a topic of interest with peers from across various college campuses. Community conversation facilitators should plan on approximately 10 minutes of context setting and 40 minutes of mutual examination and dialogue on the proposed topic or themes with some proposed initial questions.

 Thematic Poster Open House – 50 min

In this open house style poster session, presenters will stand by their posters, offering oral summaries and engaging in discussion with participants who stop by. This interactive format will allow for a dynamic exchange of ideas, allowing participants to explore various posters and connect with fellow students. Each poster will be displayed on a poster board (no additional audiovisual aids are permitted).

Student Program

Additional details about the student program will be available on this page as the program is developed.


Registration is open now with a substantial discount for student participants and presenters (rates starting at $125).

Register today! Space is limited.