2025 Conference Schedule
Expand the sections below to find out more about each day’s programming and check back often as we continue to update!
9:30 am: Student Pre-Conference Start
10:00 am - 3:00 pm: Site Visit Opportunities (details coming soon!)
4:30 - 6:30 pm: Welcome Reception
Ken Workman, Duwamish Tribe and 5th generation Grandson of Chief Seattle
Dr. Shane Martin, Provost, Seattle University
DJ Tory J/dr. čınus, Tory Johnston (Quinault), guitarist, music theorist, PhD Candidate in Native American Studies at UC Davis, and lecturer of American Indian Studies at the University of Washington
7:00 am: Registration & Breakfast
8:00 am: Morning Plenary: COS*Talks - Join us to hear 3 unique perspectives on community engagement, the meaning of place and collaboration for the public good.
Dave Jones, Center for Civic Engagement, Washington State University Pullman
Dr. Elaine K. Ikeda, Executive Director, LEAD California
Ken Workman, Duwamish Tribe and 5th generation Grandson of Chief Seattle, Council member of the Duwamish Tribe and Board President of Duwamish Tribal Services
9:00 am Concurrent Sessions
Sense of Belonging, Service-learning and Under-represented Students
Service-Learning and Tribal Relations
Beyond One-Day Service: Engagement for Lasting Change
Social Acceptability of Telehealth in the Marshall Islands: Case Study of Kwajalein Atoll
Students Lead the Way: Transcending Barriers in Economics Education Through a Cohort-based, Culturally Informed Approach in Hawai‘i
Developing Reciprocal Indigenous Partnerships at Religious Institutions
Reciprocity in Action: Tribal Partnerships at The Evergreen State College
Place-Based Justice: Anti-Racist University-Community Engagement in Action
Catalyst: Unlocking College Potential
Convening for creative collaboration
10:30 am Concurrent Sessions
Bridging Identities: Navigating Power and Positionality in Community Engagement for Students of Color, First-Generation, and Low-Income Students
Building Community Over Shared Meals
Access and Detours: engaging student success in service learning, sustainability and place in a hybrid world
Democracy Day
Community Engaged Learning Student Support at Gonzaga University
Learning Across Boundaries: Tools for Community Engagement & Leadership Development
Growing Compassionate Community Stewards through Relational Care
Engaging the Land[Grant]: Learning & Growing through Partnerships
Leveling the Playing Field Through Pantry Partnerships
Reflecting on Service-Learning's Origins, Achievements, Dilemmas and Possibilities
Systemic Change to Transform the Indigenous STEM Student Experience
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Afternoon Plenary: Place Based Engagement: A Panel Discussion - Join us to hear partnership perspectives on place-based engagement.
Facilitated by Erica Yamamura, Co-Author, “Place-Based Community Engagement in Higher Education: A Strategy to Transform Universities and Communities.” Incoming Executive Director, Lead California
Seattle University Youth Initiative
University of Washington Seattle Othello UW Commons
Evergreen State College Tribal Partnerships
Whitman College Tribal Partnerships
Ogden Civic Action Network
2:50 pm Concurrent Sessions
Sustaining community partnerships for student success
The impact of one community engagement experience on student success, retention, and sense of belonging.
Indigenous Innovations - Applying ʻĀina-based learning through a Sustainability Lens
Leadership Practices of Place-based Community Engagement Professionals
Social Mobility for Undocumented and Formerly Incarcerated Students
Indigenous Approaches to Community Resilience in Higher Education
Moving Beyond a Land Acknowledgment
Diversifying Faculty by Counting Community-Engaged Teaching/Scholarship for Tenure
Transcending Barriers and Bridging Institutions for Student Success
4:00 pm: Site visit opportunity (coming soon)
7:00 am: Registration & Breakfast
8:00 am: Morning Plenary: Centering the Student Experience: A Panel Discussion with Indigenous Students (student names to come!)
9:30 am Concurrent Sessions
Deconstructing Place: Strategies for Community Engagement
Preventing Burnout and Burn Through: Leaning into Structured Rest
Queering Service and Community-Engaged Learning
Indigenous Voices for Healing and Action in Higher Education
Addressing Lateral Violence in Higher Education
ACCESS Equity - a Native Hawaiian Place of Learning
Washington Campus Coalition for the Public Good: Strategic Planning Kick-Off!
End of formal programming
11:30 am: Where we’ve been, Where We’re Going: Open coffee hour to reflect on the history and future of the field.